Toyota 4 Runner/Hilux/Surf

1987-1998 of release

Repair and car operation

Toyota 4Раннер
+ 1. Maintenance instruction
+ 2. Maintenance
+ 3. Engines
- 4. Systems of heating, ventilation
   4.1. Specifications
   4.2. Antifreeze
   4.3. Thermostat
   4.4. Krylchatka of the fan and hydrocoupling
   4.5. Radiator and tank
   4.6. Maslookhladitel
   + 4.7. Pump
   4.8. Sensor of temperature of liquid
   4.9. Electric motor and chain of the fan of a heater
   4.10. Heater radiator
   4.11. Control panel conditioning block
   + 4.12. Central air
   4.13. Compressor
+ 5. Fuel and exhaust systems
+ 6. Transmissions
+ 7. Transmission elements
+ 8. Brake system
+ 9. Suspension bracket and steering
+ 10. Body
+ 11. Electric equipment
+ 12. Electroschemes

4.9. Electric motor and chain of the fan of a heater


The heater electric motor at the removed lobby of the panel

Details of the back block обдува


At works on a heater transfer the ignition key to the situation LOCK, disconnect the battery from weight and start works not earlier than in 2 minutes.


1. On Toyota 4 Runner/Hilux/Surf cars the block обдува a heater is mounted under the forward panel and under a seat of the passenger. In default the fan check a safety lock and a condition of contacts and wires.
2. Check on the electric motor socket tension existence from the battery (include ignition and transfer the handle the fan to the situation ON).
3. If tension is present, attach the socket and connect a conclusion 2 to weight. If the fan does not turn on, it is possible that the electric motor is faulty. In this case connect electric motor conclusions to a food and weight through the wires protected by safety locks. If the electric motor does not turn on, it is necessary to replace it.
4. If the engine is serviceable, check the resistor or the switch.


1. Disconnect the socket, unscrew 3 screws and get the block обдува from a casing.
2. For access to the back block обдува remove a seat of the passenger.