1. Care of the battery is reduced to check of a condition of poles and plugs, existence of podtekaniye of electrolit and corrosion on adjacent metal details, to periodic check of tension and a charging. |
2. The places struck with corrosion should be washed out solution of soda and to paint zinc soil. Plugs and poles should be cleared to shine, thus not сдеформируйте a konusny part of plugs. When cleaning it is necessary to remove corrosion completely. |
3. To charge the battery (except unattended) it is recommended by a current 2 And within 12–16 hours. For capacity check the battery is recommended to be charged a current in 1/10 capacities expressed in ampere-hours.
4. Check electrolit density. On a part of batteries there are built-in areometers of chromatic type. The electrolit density in such battery is determined by the color chart enclosed by the manufacturer (dark coloring of the indicator usually indicates the full category of the battery). |