Toyota 4 Runner/Hilux/Surf

1987-1998 of release

Repair and car operation

Toyota 4Раннер
+ 1. Maintenance instruction
+ 2. Maintenance
- 3. Engines
   - 3.1. 4-cylinder engines
      3.1.1. Specifications
      3.1.2. Types of repair, выполняемыe without removal of the engine from the car
      3.1.3. Installation of the piston of the 1st cylinder in VMT of a step of compression
      3.1.4. Cover of a head of cylinders
      3.1.5. A soaking-up collector
      3.1.6. Final collector
      3.1.7. Cam-shafts and pushers
      3.1.8. Head of cylinders
      3.1.9. Cover of a chain drive of cam-shafts
      3.1.10. Forward epiploon of the crankshaft
      3.1.11. Oil pallet
      3.1.12. Oil pump
      3.1.13. Flywheel (a leading disk of the hydrotransformer)
      3.1.14. Back epiploon of the crankshaft
      3.1.15. Engine mount details
   + 3.2. Engines of V6 3,0 l (1993-1994) and 3,4 l (since 1995)
   + 3.3. Dismantle and major maintenance of the engine
+ 4. Systems of heating, ventilation
+ 5. Fuel and exhaust systems
+ 6. Transmissions
+ 7. Transmission elements
+ 8. Brake system
+ 9. Suspension bracket and steering
+ 10. Body
+ 11. Electric equipment
+ 12. Electroschemes

Шизофрения осложнения тут.

3.1.10. Forward epiploon of the crankshaft


1. Remove belts and a crankshaft pulley.
2. Define depth of a press fitting of an epiploon, then carefully get an epiploon from the case of the oil pump, having hooked a screw-driver or the special tool.
3. Clear an opening under an epiploon in the case of the oil pump and slightly grease an external surface and working edges of a new epiploon with oil for the engine.
4. Carefully without distortions press a new epiploon into place by means of an opravka with a diameter a little smaller, than diameter of an epiploon. After installation be convinced that the provision of a spring of an epiploon is not broken.
5. Establish other details upside-down.