Toyota 4 Runner/Hilux/Surf

1987-1998 of release

Repair and car operation

Toyota 4Раннер
+ 1. Maintenance instruction
+ 2. Maintenance
+ 3. Engines
+ 4. Systems of heating, ventilation
+ 5. Fuel and exhaust systems
+ 6. Transmissions
+ 7. Transmission elements
+ 8. Brake system
+ 9. Suspension bracket and steering
+ 10. Body
- 11. Electric equipment
   11.1. Specifications
   11.2. Battery
   + 11.3. Ignition system
   11.4. Coil (and) ignitions
   11.5. Ignition distributor
   11.6. Check and installation of the moment of ignition
   11.7. Block of electronic ignition
   11.8. Induction sensor
   + 11.9. System of a charge of the battery
   + 11.10. Generator
   11.11. System of start-up of the engine
   + 11.12. Starter electric motor
   11.13. Traction relay
   11.14. Tension check
   11.15. Detection of short circuit
   11.16. Check of reliability of grounding
   11.17. Check of integrity of a chain
   11.18. Finding of not closed chain
   11.19. Search of malfunctions
   11.20. Safety locks
   11.21. Fusible crossing points
   11.22. Breakers
   11.23. Relay
   11.24. Breaker of indexes of turn / alarm system
   11.25. Switch of indexes of turn
   11.26. Lock of ignition and lock drum
   11.27. Switch of external lighting
   11.28. Screen wiper switch
   11.29. Lamps of headlights
   11.30. Adjustment of headlights
   11.31. Headlight case
   11.32. Replacement of lamps
   11.33. Receiver and loudspeakers
   11.34. Aerial
   + 11.35. Screen wiper electric motor
   11.36. Switch of heating of back glass
   11.37. Heater of back glass
   11.38. Guard of devices
   11.39. Sound signal
   11.40. Electric drive of mirrors
   11.41. Cruise control
   + 11.42. Window regulator electric drive
   11.43. Electric drive of door locks
   11.44. Safety cushions
+ 12. Electroschemes

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11.39. Sound signal


1. On Toyota 4 Runner/Hilux/Surf cars it is provided 2 sound signals established on both parties from a radiator.
2. For check disconnect the socket and directly connect to a signal the battery. In the absence of a sound a signal replace.
3. If the sound is, check tension on a conclusion by pressing the signal button. In the presence of tension check connection with weight.
4. If tension is not present, check the relay. It is necessary to consider that relays of a sound signal generally have 4 or the 3rd conclusion (3-выводные relays have external connection with weight).
5. If relays are serviceable, check tension on relay conclusions. If tension is not present, check wires from a safety lock to the relay.
6. If on relay conclusions tension is, press the button of a signal and check a chain of connection with weight between the relay and the button. If break is not present, replace the signal button.
7. If via the button the chain on weight becomes isolated, check existence in a chain from the relay on the button of break or short circuit.


1. For replacement of a sound signal disconnect the socket and unscrew a bolt (it is specified by an arrow).
2. Remove a signal and establish the new.
3. Further installation is carried out upside-down.