Toyota 4 Runner/Hilux/Surf

1987-1998 of release

Repair and car operation

Toyota 4Раннер
+ 1. Maintenance instruction
+ 2. Maintenance
+ 3. Engines
+ 4. Systems of heating, ventilation
+ 5. Fuel and exhaust systems
+ 6. Transmissions
+ 7. Transmission elements
+ 8. Brake system
+ 9. Suspension bracket and steering
+ 10. Body
- 11. Electric equipment
   11.1. Specifications
   11.2. Battery
   + 11.3. Ignition system
   11.4. Coil (and) ignitions
   11.5. Ignition distributor
   11.6. Check and installation of the moment of ignition
   11.7. Block of electronic ignition
   11.8. Induction sensor
   + 11.9. System of a charge of the battery
   + 11.10. Generator
   11.11. System of start-up of the engine
   + 11.12. Starter electric motor
   11.13. Traction relay
   11.14. Tension check
   11.15. Detection of short circuit
   11.16. Check of reliability of grounding
   11.17. Check of integrity of a chain
   11.18. Finding of not closed chain
   11.19. Search of malfunctions
   11.20. Safety locks
   11.21. Fusible crossing points
   11.22. Breakers
   11.23. Relay
   11.24. Breaker of indexes of turn / alarm system
   11.25. Switch of indexes of turn
   11.26. Lock of ignition and lock drum
   11.27. Switch of external lighting
   11.28. Screen wiper switch
   11.29. Lamps of headlights
   11.30. Adjustment of headlights
   11.31. Headlight case
   11.32. Replacement of lamps
   11.33. Receiver and loudspeakers
   11.34. Aerial
   + 11.35. Screen wiper electric motor
   11.36. Switch of heating of back glass
   11.37. Heater of back glass
   11.38. Guard of devices
   11.39. Sound signal
   11.40. Electric drive of mirrors
   11.41. Cruise control
   + 11.42. Window regulator electric drive
   11.43. Electric drive of door locks
   11.44. Safety cushions
+ 12. Electroschemes

11.44. Safety cushions


Safety cushions (System of pneumosafety of SRS) are intended for protection of the driver (and the passenger) on a forward seat in case of collision.

On a part of cars 2 pillows are provided, one of which (from the driver) is mounted in the central part of a wheel, and another – in a ceiling part of a perchatochny box. The system also includes the control unit and diagnostics, mounted under the forward panel on the car center.

The safety module from the driver

The structure of the module includes the packed pillow and the device forcings (reactor) which is under a pillow and is connected to it an opening through which it is injected gas at receipt of a signal.

The signal moves on a cable winded in a flexible spiral round a shaft of a wheel, irrespective of a wheel angle of rotation. The pillow is inflated with the nitrogen which is forming as a result of reaction of an oxide of copper and азида of sodium.

The safety module from the passenger

The structure of the module includes the device the forcings (reactor), the combined pillow, the reactor and the facing panel.

Pillow of the passenger much more than pillow of the driver. A support of a pillow is the steel case of the reactor.

At a naduvaniye of a pillow the seam of the facing panel breaks.

Control unit and diagnostics

The block provides a food and safety cushion operation even at the disconnected battery.

The block checks a condition of system of safety. The control lamp of system (AIR-BAG lamp) at first lights up and at serviceable system dies away.

If the system is faulty, the lamp continues to burn or blink (or the sound signal) is distributed. In this case it is necessary to hand over the car immediately in car-care center for check.


Shutdown of system of pneumosafety: the neglect precautionary measures leads to casual disclosure of a pillow and to heavy traumas.

At performance of any works near a steering column or any unit of system it is necessary to disconnect safety cushions.

Safety cushion shutdown

1. Expose wheels in the provision of driving on a straight line and transfer the ignition key to the situation LOCK.
2. Disconnect the battery from weight.
3. Start works later not less than 2 mines, necessary for the condenser category.

At manipulations with the pillow container always keep the revetted party of the container in the direction from itself. It is forbidden to put the container the revetted party down. It is forbidden to measure resistance of any unit of system of pneumosafety as pillow operation from an ohmmeter battery is possible.

Before performance of welding works disconnect the socket of a safety cushion of yellow color which is located under a steering column about the socket of a combination of switches (from the driver) or a perchatochny box (from the passenger).

It is forbidden to throw out the container with a pillow.